School of Allied Health Sciences


This Code of Conduct will be enforced in the SAH, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore.
The SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore has emerged as a leading institute in Pakistan. The SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore is fulfilling its responsibility of graduating culturally enlightened, technologically knowledgeable, academically competent and research oriented productive citizens who are prepared to lead, inspire, and serve humanity. The SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore wholeheartedly commits itself and all its resources to this sacred trust and responsibility.

The SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore community comprises of a diverse population of students in pursuit of academic excellence. It strives to refine the ability of students to reason and to communicate freely and clearly so as to become responsible, morally equipped and moderate. It is therefore expected that these attributes, in turn, should be reflected in their everyday behavior, attitude and dress.
SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD LAHORE believes that the regulations, guidelines and safeguards described herein are indispensable features to maintaining an academic environment.

Definition of Terms

Unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context, the expressions used in
these regulations and defend or used in this Code of Conduct shall have the meaning
assigned to them respectively.

Definitions of different terms are:

1. Complainant means a person who makes a complaint or reports a violation of the SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore Code of Conduct or SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore regulations and policies.
2. Intentional means deliberate.
3. Respondent means a person who has been accused of violating the SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore Code of Conduct.
4. Student means any currently enrolled person for whom the Institution maintains
educational records, as defined by the SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore regulations.
5. Reckless means careless or heedless of the potentially harmful consequences
of one’s behavior, where risk of harm to persons, property or normal SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore operations exists or can be reasonably foreseen.
6. SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD official is a person employed by the SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore in an administrative supervisory, academic, research, or support staff positon.
7. Authority: means Principal, Discipline Committee and Manager Students Affairs as the case may be.
8. Discipline Committee means a Committee constituted under rules of the SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore consisting of members and co-opted members.
9. Punishment: includes any penalty which Discipline Committee deems fit, defined in the rules.
10. MSA: means Manager Student’s Affairs and includes other officers of the
11. DDC: means Departmental Discipline Committee consisting of not more than
three members out of which one will be the Convener.
12. Officer: means Officers of the SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore in academic & nonacademic departments and includes members of vigilance squad.
13. Fine: Fine imposed by the Committee or recommended by an officer, member of
vigilance squad or by any person approved by the Authority.
14. HOD: means Head of the teaching department.

Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty is an act of fraud, which may include misrepresentation, deceit,
falsification, or trickery of any kind that is done by the student with the purpose, intent, or expectation of influencing a grade or other academic evaluation.
Academic dishonesty also includes forgery and falsification of SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore academic documents, intentionally impeding or damaging the academic work of others, or assisting other students in acts of dishonesty. Common examples of academically dishonest behavior include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Cheating: Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise; copying from another student’s examination sheet; submitting work prepared in advance for an in-class examination; taking an examination for another person or conspiring to do so.

2. Fabrication: Intentional and unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise.

3. Facilitating academic dishonesty: Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to commit an act of academic dishonesty.

4. Plagiarism: Intentionally or knowingly or unknowingly representing the words or
ideas of another as one’s own in any academic exercise; failure to attribute direct
quotation, paraphrase, or borrowed facts or information.

5. Unauthorized Collaboration: Providing, either knowingly or through negligence, one’s own work to assist a student in satisfying a course requirement, or representing material prepared by or with another as one’s own independent work. In instances where students are permitted to work jointly to complete an assignment, instructors will offer clear guidelines about when and how to collaborate; if a student is unsure, it is the responsibility of the student to ask the instructor.

Unfair Means
Use of unfair means generally covers the following:
1. An attempt to have access to the question paper before the test/examination.
2. Use/possession of unauthorized reference material during test/examination.
3. Any form of communication by the examiners with any one in or outside the test/ examination room while the test/examination is in progress.
4. Unauthorized entry into faculty’s office or that of his staff with the intention of having an access to or tempering with the official record/exam paper etc.
Moral Dishonesty: Moral dishonesty means act which does not conform to known norms of decency.

Extension of the SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD LAHORE Code of Conduct:

The SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Code of Conduct applies to conduct that occurs on the SAHS, CMH-LMC premises, at SAHS, CMH-LMC sponsored activities and to off-campus conduct that adversely affects the SAHS, CMH-LMC reputation and/or the pursuit of its objectives. Each member of SAHS, CMH-LMC shall be responsible for his/her conduct.

Classroom Standards: The individual faculty member is primarily responsible for managing the classroom environment. If a student engages in any prohibited or unlawful acts or other behavior that results in disruption of a class, he or she may be directed by the faculty member to leave the class for the remainder of the class period and report the mater to the concerned HOD/ In charge, who will forward the mater to DDC/Manager Students Affairs. Students must be protected against infringement of their rights and unfair practices.

Identification/Registration Card: Each member of the SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore community is issued a picture Identification/Registration card or visitor’s pass, and must wear it at all times while on SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore premises or at SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore-sponsored activities. Identification/ Registration cards must be presented upon entering SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore buildings and must be worn while on SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore premises.

Identification/Registration cards are not transferable. The owner of the card will be called upon to account for any fraudulent use of his or her identification card and will be subject to disciplinary action by the SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore if he or she has aided such fraudulent use. The card will be forfeited if the student to whom it was issued allows any other person to use the same.

Upon card owner’s withdrawal from the SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore, all rights and privileges related to the identification card will automatically cease. If the student withdraws, or is suspended or expelled, from the SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore, the identification card must be surrendered to the College/institute as the case may be.

Visitors and Guests: Students cannot invite any visitor without the permission of Competent Authority. Students may be held accountable for the acts of misconduct of their guests while on SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore premises or at SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore-sponsored activities.

Visitors, including invitees shall conduct themselves, at all times, in a manner which is consistent and in line with maintenance of orderly behavior in the SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore premises.

Acts of In-discipline/Prohibited Conduct

All students are prohibited from engaging in conduct resulting in, or leading to, any of the following:

Academic Dishonesty: Violating the SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore Policy on Academic Dishonesty by committing, or attempting to commit, academic dishonesty including, but not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, facilitating academic dishonesty of others and unauthorized collaboration.

Abuse, Assault, Threatening Behavior: Intentionally or recklessly endangering,
threatening, or causing physical or mental harm to any person/ student, or oneself, on SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore premises or at SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore-sponsored activities, or intentionally or causing reasonable apprehension of such harm including, but not limited to abusive language and/or physical or verbal intimidation, harassment, coercion etc.

Firearms, Explosives and Other Weapons: Illegal or unauthorized use, possession, or storage of forearms, explosives (including, but not limited to fireworks), other weapons, or dangerous chemicals on SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore premises, with or without a license to possess the same has been issued to the possessor.

Violation of Disciplinary Sanction: Violating terms of any disciplinary sanction imposed in accordance with SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD LAHORE Statutes.

Furnishing False Information, Forgery or Unauthorized Use of Documents:
Intentionally furnishing false information to the SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore and its officials; or misusing affiliation with the SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore to gain access to outside agency/services; or using false information or SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore resources to compromise the name of the SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore.

Forgery, unauthorized alteration, or unauthorized use of any SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore document or electronic transmission, or instrument of identification, or academic and nonacademic records, signatures, seals, or stamps thereof.

Disorderly Conduct or Indecent Behavior: Engaging in disorderly or indecent conduct; breaching of peace; or aiding, abetting, or hiring another person to breach the peace on SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore premises or at SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore-

Sponsored functions/activities. Any unauthorized use of electronic or other devices to make an audio or video record of any person while on SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore premises without his or her prior knowledge.

Theft: Theft, or attempted theft, of property or services on SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore premises or at SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore-sponsored activities.

Damage to Property or its Destruction: Intentionally or recklessly destroying or damaging, or attempting to destroy or damage, SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore property or the property of others on SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore premises or at SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore-sponsored activities.

Non-Compliance With Official Direction: Failure to comply with reasonable direction of SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore officials acting in performance of their duties.

Violation of SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore Regulations and Policies:

Violating SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore regulations or policies including amendments and additions adopted since the publication date.

Alcohol/Drugs/Intoxicants: Distribution, possession, and consumption of alcohol/ drugs/ intoxicants on SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore premises or at SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore-sponsored activities.

Unauthorized Access to Facilities: Unauthorized access or entry to, or use of, SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore facilities and equipment Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys to any SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore premises, facilities or equipment; or, unauthorized entry to or use of SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore premises.

Unauthorized, Use of Computer or Electronic Communication Devices: Theft or other abuse of computer facilities and resources including, but not limited to:-

  1. Unauthorized entry into a fle, to use, read, or change the contents, or for any
    other purpose.
    2. Unauthorized transfer of a file.
    3. Use of another individual’s identification and/or password.
    4. Interference with the work of another student, faculty member or SAHS, CMH-LMC official.
    5. Sending obscene, abusive or threatening messages.
    6. Transmission of computer viruses.
    7. Interfering with normal operation of the SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore computing system.
    8. Unauthorized duplication of software or other violation of copyright laws.
    9. Unauthorized access to, or unauthorized, mischievous or malicious use of SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore computer equipment or networks, or electronic communication devices, or the use of such equipment or devices to gain unauthorized access to, and/or use of, off-campus computer equipment.

Provoking Others to Misconduct: Intentionally using words or actions to provoke or
encourage others to violent or retaliatory behavior, or other acts of misconduct.

Identification/Registration Cards: Failure to wear, or to produce or surrender the
identification card upon the request of a SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore official.

Animals: Bringing an animal into any SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore building, with the exception of animals used for authorized laboratory purposes, or animals being used for security purpose for which express permission has been granted by the SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore Authority.

Demonstrations: Walking in large groups, shouting and talking loudly near class rooms, aimless sting in corridors after class timings, demonstrations exceeding the bounds of free assembly and demonstrations engaging in unlawful acts that cause or imminently threaten injury to person or property, infringes on the rights of other members of the SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore community leading to or inciting others to disrupt scheduled and/or normal activities within any campus building or area (or any SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore sponsored activity).

Political Activities: Unauthorized use of SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore facilities or equipment for political activities.

Harassment: Includes the following:
1. Passing remarks, placing visual or written material, aimed at a specific person or group:
a. With the intention of causing harm to the person or group; and/or,
b. Creating an environment which limits a student’s educational opportunity.
2. Making unwanted verbal or physical advances or explicit derogatory statements
toward individuals, which cause them discomfort or humiliation or which interferes
with their educational opportunity.
3. Physical assault.

Gambling: Unauthorized and/or illegal exchange of money favors or services as a result of an organized or unorganized game or competition.

Smoking: Smoking is prohibited on SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore premises.

Mobile Phones: Use of mobile phone in the class room is completely banned. It should be switched off during class hours. No one can bring mobile phone during exams in the examination room/hall.

Abuse of the Student Conduct System
Abusing the student conduct system including, but not limited to:
1. Failure to obey the notice from a SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore ofcial to appear for a meeting or hearing as part of the student conduct system.
2. Falsification, distortion or misrepresentation of information before a hearing body
or designated hearing officer of the SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore.
3. Disruption or interference with the orderly conduct of a hearing proceeding.
4. Causing a violation of SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore Code of Conduct hearing to convene in bad faith.

Indecent Behavior at the Campus/ Disturbing Academic Atmosphere
Indecent behavior exhibited at the campus including classes, cafeteria, laboratories etc, defying the norms of decency, morality and religious/cultural/social values by single or group of students.

Damage to the SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore fixtures/furniture, scribbling/carving on desks, wall chalking, misusing of lab/SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore equipment, etc.

Use of mobile phone/ listening music in class rooms, examination halls, labs and library thus disrupting the calm of the said rooms.

Off-Campus Conduct: Conduct occurring off SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore premises is such that it should not affect the interest/image of the SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore.

Enforcement of Code of Conduct

Maters of indiscipline would be referred to the College, Institution or SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD LAHORE authorities, which are authorized to check indiscipline maters and decide as per SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD LAHORE rules, regulations and policy, or as per the decision of Discipline Committee it deems fit.
Parents of those students who disobey authority and violate the code of conduct will
be informed. Students are not allowed to bring their guests at the Campus except their parents.

Punishment or Penalty for Acts of In-Discipline
Punishment or penalty for acts of in-discipline shall be according to the gravity of the
case and may be any one or more of the following:

Minor Punishments
1. Warning in writing: Notice to the offender, orally or in writing, that continuation
or repetition of prohibited conduct may be cause for further disciplinary acton.
2. Probation: Probation for a specific period not exceeding four months.
3. Fine: Fine which may amount up to Rs.5000/-.
4. Hostel Suspension/Permanent Removal: Expulsion from the hostel for a specified
period, or permanent removal from the residence hall.
5. Withholding of Certificate: Withholding of a certificate of good moral character.
6. Removal of Privileges: Deprivation from the privileges enjoyed by the students.
7. F Grade: Award of “F” grade in a paper/ cancellation of the examination for one
paper or more.

Major Punishments
1. Fine: Fine which may amount up to Rs.25000
2. Exam Result: Cancellation of examination result.
3. Ineligibility: for further admission.
4. Rustication: Rustication from the class for a specified period up to two semesters
after the expiry of the punishment, the student shall be admitted in the semester
where he/ she left.
5. Expulsion: includes expulsion from the SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore for indefinite period, cancellation of studentship and admission, ineligibility for further admission.
6. Degree: Non conferment of degree/transcript.

Other sanctions or a combination of above mentioned punishments as deemed appropriate.

Discipline in the Hostels
Instructions already issued in this regard by the Administrative Directorate will be

Discipline Process
1. Case referrals: Each case of in-discipline shall be reported to the Chairperson Hall
Council of the College/Institute/Centre/ through HOD or the warden of the hostel.
Any charge should be submitted as soon as possible after the alleged violation takes
place. Chairperson Hall Council depending upon the gravity of the case will decide
to award minor punishment or refer the same to SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD LAHORE Discipline Committee for decision by senior competent authority for major punishment.

2. Procedure-disciplinary hearing: A disciplinary hearing is a formal process
conducted by the SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD LAHORE Discipline Committee. This formal process is designed to gather and consider relevant information regarding the alleged violation/s of the Code and to determine and recommend a punishment. Every effort will be made to expedite proceedings pursuant to allegations within reasonable period.

3. Punishments: SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD LAHORE Discipline Committee will recommend/ impose a penalty (major or minor) as a punishment according to the gravity of the case after giving full opportunity to the defaulter to give his/ her point of view or as the case may be.

4. Appeals: An appeal against the Discipline Committee decision can be fled to the
Vice Chancellor within fifteen days of the notification of the decision.


Federal/Provincial Laws and Ordinances: Violation of a Federal/Provincial law or
ordinance will be dealt accordingly under these laws.

Gender Mixing: Students are strictly reminded to follow the accepted social and
cultural norms of the society. Undue intimacy and unacceptable proximity, openly or in isolated areas will not be tolerated.

Littering: It is the responsibility of all to keep the Campus environment clean and tidy. Therefore, no littering or trash should be carelessly thrown or left on the Campus premises. The designated waste boxes should be used for the purpose.

1. All individuals and teams involved in sports should participate showing sportsmanship, respect, consideration and appreciation towards their opponents,
team-mates, officials and SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore staff at all times.
2. Under no circumstances should participants react in a violent manner nor use any
form of foul or abusive language, whether it is directed at a member of staff, match
official, opponent, playing colleague, team official or spectator.
3. Individuals signing the player registration form agree to abide by this code of
conduct and will accept that any deviaton from these rules will result in disciplinary
action being taken by the SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore.
4. Persons under the influence of drugs are not permitted to participate in sport
activities at the SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore and as such will result in disciplinary action by SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD LAHORE.
5. Director Sports, GC SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore,  will be responsible for maintaining discipline in all the playgrounds.

Library: The Librarian shall be responsible to maintain discipline in the library. He may require a student to leave the library on an act of indiscipline or report to DSA.

Parking: Wrong Parking at the SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore will result in fine Rs.200/- for car and Rs.100/- for motorcycle or as the case decided by the Committee or In charge Parking Stands.

Dress Code
In order to maintain academic dignity and sanctity of the Institution, students and staff of the SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD Lahore are required to wear decent dress keeping in view the local cultural values. The dress restriction is not to impose any rigidity or regimentation but is in accordance with the spirit of discipline and punctuality which is the cardinal aspect of life style at SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD LAHORE campuses. Purpose of Dress Code is to establish the basic guidelines for appropriate work dress that promotes a positive image of SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD LAHORE and also allow maximum flexibility to maintain good morale, respect, cultural values and due consideration for safety while working at laboratories.

To abide by the student dress code, student should not:

Uniform For boys

Grey Pant                   

White shirt

Maroon tie                 

Black Shoes

Uniform For Girls

Maroon shirt(kameez)                 

White trouser (shalwar)

White scarf

White shawl

Black shoes

All faculty members and administrative officers, support staff and students will be
expected to monitor this code of conduct and report any such disregard or violations
to college/institution/ headquarter SAHS, CMH-LMC & IOD LAHORE for taking appropriate action/remedial measures.

NOTE: The Discipline Committee with the approval of the Competent Authority can
amend/ re frame/ refresh this code of conduct.